![Što je arclength of r = 4theta na theta u [-pi / 4, pi]? Što je arclength of r = 4theta na theta u [-pi / 4, pi]?](https://img.go-homework.com/img/calculus/what-is-the-arclength-of-r4theta-on-theta-in-pi/4pi.jpg)
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Što je arclength of r = 3 / 4theta na theta u [-pi, pi]?
![Što je arclength of r = 3 / 4theta na theta u [-pi, pi]? Što je arclength of r = 3 / 4theta na theta u [-pi, pi]?](https://img.go-homework.com/calculus/what-is-the-arclength-of-fxsqrtx3-on-x-in-13.jpg)
L = 3 / 4pisqrt (pi ^ 2 + 1) + 3 / 4ln (pi + sqrt (pi ^ 2 + 1)) jedinica. > r = 3/4 theta r ^ 2 = 9/16 theta ^ 2 r '= 3/4 (r') ^ 2 = 9/16 Dužina staze je: L = int_-pi ^ pisqrt (9 / 16ta ^ 2 + 9/16) d theta Pojednostavite: L = 3 / 4int_-pi ^ pisqrt (theta ^ 2 + 1) d theta Od simetrije: L = 3 / 2int_0 ^ pisqrt (theta ^ 2 + 1) d theta Primijenite zamjenu theta = tanphi: L = 3 / 2intsec ^ 3phidphi Ovo je poznati integral: L = 3/4 [secphitanphi + ln | secphi + tanphi |] Obrnuti zamjenu: L = 3/4 [thetasqrt (theta ^ 2 + 1) + ln | theta + sqrt (theta ^ 2 + 1) |] _0 ^ pi Umetnite granice integracije: L = 3 / 4pisqrt (pi
Pokažite da, (1 + cos theta + i * sin theta) ^ n + (1 + cos theta - i * sin theta) ^ n = 2 ^ (n + 1) * (cos theta / 2) ^ n * cos ( n * theta / 2)?

Pogledajte dolje. Neka 1 + costheta + isintheta = r (cosalpha + isinalpha), ovdje r = sqrt ((1 + costheta) ^ 2 + sin ^ 2theta) = sqrt (2 + 2costheta) = sqrt (2 + 4cos ^ 2 (theta / 2) ) -2) = 2cos (theta / 2) i tanalpha = sintheta / (1 + costheta) == (2sin (theta / 2) cos (theta / 2)) / (2cos ^ 2 (theta / 2)) = tan (theta / 2) ili alfa = theta / 2 zatim 1 + costheta-isintheta = r (cos (-alfa) + isin (-alfa)) = r (cosalpha-isinalpha) i možemo pisati (1 + costheta + isintheta) ^ n + (1 + costheta-isintheta) ^ n koristeći DE MOivreov teorem kao r ^ n (cosnalpha + isinnalpha + cosnalpha-isinnalpha) = 2r ^ ncosnalpha = 2 * 2 ^ n
Ako je sin theta + cos theta = p, što je sin ^ 2 theta + cos ^ 4theta u smislu p?

1 - ((p ^ 2-1) / 2) ^ 2 (sintheta + costheta) ^ 2 = 1 + 2sintetakošteta = p ^ 2 tako sinthetokosteta = (p ^ 2-1) / 2 sada sin ^ 2tea + cos ^ 4theta = sin ^ 2 theta + (1-sin ^ 2theta) cos ^ 2theta = 1-sin ^ 2thetacos ^ 2theta i stavljajući sve zajedno grijeh ^ 2theta + cos ^ 4theta = 1 - ((p ^ 2-1) / 2) ^ 2